Dental Insurance: Use it before you lose it!

If you are fortunate to work for a company that offers you some dental insurance, don’t let it go to waste. There are many people that don’t have this benefit; in fact about 40% of Ontarians are without any dental insurance.
With all of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season it is easy to postpone your dental hygiene appointment to the New Year, however, if your insurance renews with the calendar year you may be missing an opportunity.
How does dental insurance work?
The way most dental insurance benefits work is that you are provided a certain dollar amount of insurance each year. If you do not use those benefits you lose them! (Unused amounts do not carry over to the next year). Many people do not realize this and let hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars worth of dental insurance go back into the insurance company’s bank account. While our treatment recommendations are never dictated by insurance, if you have any treatment that remains to be completed, or you have any oral hygiene concerns at all, it would be very useful for you to come in before the end of the year.
At the Dental Hygiene Group, our goal is to help you enjoy a bright healthy smile! That means that you look good, you feel good, you have strong teeth and gums, and you enjoy the benefits of a healthy, attractive smile for a lifetime. Maximizing your eligible dental insurance can also help you with this.
If you would like to make an appointment, just give us a call and we will find a time that is convenient for you, or you can book directly online.
Just remember that when you ring in the new year on December 31st, you will lose any unused dental insurance. We are happy to help you get the full benefits that you are entitled to under your dental insurance policy.
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